Friday, December 05, 2008

take a longggg break

it is now the second week of my holiday, with around 4 more weeks to the start of the next sem. didnt have intention to work this holiday, other than gibing tuitions. cause if i were to take up a 5 day-work-week job, and with my tuitions, i would have lost the entire 1 month break. so after much thoughts, ive decided to stick my butt at home, and forgo the moneyyy. i still hope i can find a temp job and i mean those really temp ones, maybe a one-off job. it's hard. haha...

since im spending my hols with so much time to do almost anything i want, so long as my savings can tahan, i seriously think i ought to do those stuff that ive always wanted to do but complained for the lack of time.

heh, for this first week of break, ive been enjoying food, movies, stayover, and watching taiwan dramas. cleared Zuan jiao yu dao ai, and now chionging Miss No Good.
been having lots of sleep, basically sleeping almost 12 hours everyday. the most unbelieveable record was today- slept at 3am and woke up at 2.30pm. hoho, 2.30 is record breaking!

shall really start on doing more meaningful stuff soon (:

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