Blame no one, but myself .
yep, results are out and i didnt really fair that well.
one A, two Cs, two Ds, and one pathetic E.
parents didnt say anything as usual.
but i felt that little urge to scream out loud,
tear the papers, and bang my head on the wall
so that i can just faint and wake up with everything deleted (:
well, its not becos i feel that i did real badly,
but rather,
i just dont have the force to overcome my dumb inertia
so that i can work harder!
shit me.
yah, you may say.
" you never really study also do so well. "
i could only say im so damn used to last min work.
you never know,
i mug like mad the night before.
my results might really pay off
since its based on the last min work.
but so?
i could have pay attention in lectures like others.
i could have do all my bio tutorials on my own like others.
i could have been revising my work everyday so long as ive time.
but i didnt, i really didnt.
blames no one but myself.
think no more that im a talent.
think no more that im clever.
think no more, im not.
got to mug, got to mug.
but mugging like mad was never my style.
i will try.
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