sigh, it's time to rest a little, yes, just a little. and prepare for school.
really missing all the "good morning, wangfoong" "good afternoon wangfoong" and now ;
i REALLY enjoy life in JJ with you =D
oh no, now i feel fat. gosh. sigh.
yeyy.. we're going for carmen's musical tomorrow! and really, im looking forward to it :D
see you all tomorrow!
the couple gingerbread man
the nice xmas cake.
alright i saw this mv at weizhen's blog and find it thought-provoking for me.
and for some reasons, my heart jerked a little.
Pay attention to the "subtittles" at the bottom to get the whole story. and if you dont mind the little trouble, go to weizhen's blog http://gervelle.blogspot.com/ for the explanation of the whole story. im just too lazy to type. hahs... hmm, you can also load the full-screen version of the video to watch from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXGrvLd8RZw .
hmm, comments on this video...
the song isnt really that nice but the story's great.
there's no clear ending cause it ends with a question.
the lyrics is meaningful too... hahs, take a look please? hahs...
here's the link http://www.haoting.com/htmusic/132431ht.htm
sometimes, it's just hard to draw a line between friendship and relationship, isnt it?
then would you take the effort or even the trouble to even try to draw this line clearly and distinctly. what about consequences to pay?
IMAGINE if it's me, i wouldnt want or dare to draw this line. the reason is so simple and practical.
" i cherish you and wouldnt want to lose you, even as a friend. "
hahs, suddenly i got so impacted. but again, it's imagination.
stop imagining, cause imaginations bring about complications.
hey stop it, peili. you've got to stop here.
really hope you all watch it and leave your comments! (: