wee.. ive changed blogskin! found a number of nice skins today and finally chose this one. it's simple and maybe a little plain. hahs, so so un-me. it has been such a long time since i last use white skins. and im still missing that greyish feel. hahas... but i guess this skin looks nice too right? yes, of course.
okay, share some funny things with you. look at the notice below. cant stand it. haha.. "please throw away your lunch box and yourself into the garbage bag." and this.... " THANK!"
erm, well.. what are you thinking now? hahs, yes, this is found in the office's pantry. my sis and i laugh till our heads dropped, tongues fall, butts shaked.
haha! what a nice expression.
and the rest of the photos are just some causal shots to improve this boring life.

yeyy.. we're going for carmen's musical tomorrow! and really, im looking forward to it :D
see you all tomorrow!
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