Wednesday, December 27, 2006

im on a shopping spree!

im on a shopping spree!

hehs, im trying hard to be a regular blogger after receiving some kind of motivation from a guy blogger. in case you wonder who he is, im telling you now that i dont know him as well. sis passed by this blog and find it nice, intro to me, and favourited it. haha... how cool can this be.
anyway, im happy today again! really feel like mentioning the events in details. hopefully it doesnt sounds too boring :D guess it's becoming a routine blog, but i'll try to make it a little more interesting? heh..

okay... I JUST REALISED I DONT KNOW HOW TO OPERATE THE WASHING MACHINE TODAY. haha... followed mum's order to hand wash some clothings and dry it using the machine. but heh, i looked at the washing machine and was totally lost though there are simple english words there like " wash, rinse spin". water started splashing down when i actually wanted to dry my clothes. haha...

other than that, i had pretty great food with cousin and sis today. went out to town for a shopping spree and heh, i only bought a nice GREY dress? it's nice, really! something new for me though. hohoho... didnt manage to get the real necessities though. necessitites like new ear piece, 2007 organiser, and school shoes. and hopefully i can get them tomorrow! hoho!

oh yah, i really want to learn how to tie plaits very badly! (did i spell it wrongly? anyhow la, haha)
can anyone please volunteer to teach me? please please??? haha...

then now.. some photos that are taken thousands years back in around nov ++ .

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