Wednesday, July 02, 2008


im taking leave from work tmr for my medical checkup at ntu. meanwhile, it's time to settle some misc stuff like updating my bank details, sorting out my notebooks and go and get the muji one soon (cant wait!).

today was an average day - gone thru both gd stuff and bad ones as well...
was lucky today cause the replacement receptionist was on mc today so i was able to resume my job which wasnt too tough. bad thing, i commited quite a few mistakes today and for some, im still puzzled why things went wrong. well, at least there's someone out there who believe that im being sabo, and have the trust in me when im not even sure if it was my fault. i felt really thankful and i must say, the person has been really good to me even though she was notorious for being harsh to other colleagues.


sometimes im so puzzled by the adults' relationship. why are men (i mean working male adults) so... blind?! i mean, from what ive seen and know, their character sucks and they're really superficial! yes, superficial is the word. FU QIAN! but still, i know there're exceptions... just that they're terribly rare......

pls, i hope all my male friends are not going to become like those men.

why am i so affected?! hell. superficial!

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