so here's a photo with the 2 big bosses, the 2 managers, ah lei, christina and sharon. lovely...

me with the gifts (:
sharon, me and chris... taken in our admin room (:

actually i still have some more photos in my cam, but battery was flat and i was too laaazzyyy to charge it. i've my idol agent and another charming agent's photo inside! got to upload them soon!
im anticipating the meetup with sharon, turtle and whipwhip on friday. hopefully no last min changes... fingers crossed.
im beginning to ponder again...
are these colleagues going to be just passerby(s) who just come and go in my life....
how long can i keep these friends? will they be just another jiahui, another qx, another jason, another ting? they were once very close to me too, they were once the ppl i shared secrets with,
those who i really spend quality time with. it feels even worse to realise, im only left with reena out of all my jc friends. and, the friendship with qx actually soured and we really became strangers, this doesnt feel good at all.
i know, i also have friends who are still with me after all these years. and they're the ppl i met in secondary sch. ppl always say the friends who you made in sec sch are the ones who will be with you for long. hopefully, sharon is another cheryl, another carmen, another cy, another willy, another reena.
they said this is life.
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