so sick of studying every night and missing out all the nice shows. so no life.
so in conclusion, today's NOT a blue monday!
therefore i went for chinese tuition happily (for the first time), and gary never fail to agitate me but at the same time make me laugh. muhahas... i like chubby kids!
there's this thing that happened today. i made a sentence using “ 越" as example before asking him to form one:
" 你越吃越胖" (ni yue chi yue pang)
then his whole face turn =S. muhahahs... then i gave an evil grin. muhahahahas...
there's also one incident when i asked him what "味”(wei. ie: taste) is and i expect that he dont know. so i asked him what kind of words can go with “味”(wei) and i was expecting him to say “味道” (wei dao)...
guess what he said...
he took out his hand and direct it towards me and said : "喂。。。 你做么。。。” "(wei, ni zuo me..) i.e (wei, why you like that... )
i really burst out laughing and he gave the embarassing look. muhahahahas...
apart from all these funny stuff, tuition is still tiring cause i have to walk a VERY long distance from the bus stop to his house. =(
okay, show you all some photos of gary! he was actually making some funny faces ( small eyes and fat lip face that looks like this :S ) but when he know that im snapping, he covered his face.

i always extend the tuition hours and i even taught him some maths when he has unsolved maths questions. so kind of me, but i knew it clearly that it isnt good in the long run (like what carmen said)
anyway, i realise ive got a very hip hairstyle when im young! it looks like the recent trendy BOB hairstyle. aiya, i dont know how to spell it, understandable will do (:
take a look ! im hip from young :D
(the upper head, not the lower head ahh)

okay, HAPPY MONDAY! no homework due tomorrow! muhahahas!
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