Just like the past, the ninth remains as unique a day i'll remember. and i guess no matter how hard i try, some things are just not meant to be forgotten (:
let's see how ive spent today - some sort of different from the past.
i woke up ea
rly in the morning at ard six thirty five, wash up,
ate 2 buns and headed off to sch for gp test (:
as i was in a rush, i didnt realise ive left my phone on the desk
till i reached the bus stop.
living without a phone for hours - bad start of the day.
as for the test;
it was alright cause i have been flipping thru my crime module notes the night before. the compre, erm.. of usual difficulty.
ard noon time, i borrowed a phone to call my dad out for lunch and to collect my phone as well.
i thought having my phone back will make my day more engaging, but i was wrong. haha
scroll down the phone book, i picked out the usual mates to call.
called Jason, willy, sis and smsed cy. but no one seems to be available at that period of time.
got nowhere to go and so i took my own time taking 157 home - alone (:
bought some tibits and rest myself comfortably on the sofa watching the drama.
i guess im getting the habit of heavy eating to de-stress or de- whatever else...
haha, this is real bad. i dont want to get fat. (:
and worse, i went to take a nap after that. haha
woke up at six plus, bathed and had dinner.
then, stucked on the sofa, watching tv again.
fought a war with the com and managed to get online (:
cant sign in MSN and ive been browsing stuff here and there;
uploading photos and looking for photos. haha
am i purposely made to feel this lonely on this special day - the ninth ?
just like this. facing everything alone (:

anyway, this is a photo of the MI's grandstand opposite bbss.
im just so skilled to snap this view, haha (:
oh willy, im getting dotless :B
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