Wednesday, June 21, 2006

ahh. stress.

okay.. let's see what ive done and not done in this holiday.

the Done-s :
1. shopped for clothings (:
2. watch a drama series
3. maths holiday assignment
4. maths sigma assignment
5. cip project
6. gp viewpoint continum
7. heal the com (:

the Undone-s :
1. gp essay
2. organic chem (self-study)
3. maths revision
4. bio revision
5. buy the Green marker
6. buy the jap cheapo correction fluid (x
7. go sentosa ):
8. go see doctor
9. talk on the phone for a few hours
10. meet up with my PW mates.
11. i want go town AGAIN before sch reopens ):
12. have sufficient rest.
13. blog more?

okay, that's all. im so damn stress. gtg and do my gp essay! and if i really manage to complete it, or part of it, the next few days will be better (:
give me the strength to do so, im so tired now... sigh.

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