Tuesday, May 27, 2008
finally raining
the weather has been unbearably warm these days and it's hard to fall aslp w/o the aircon. thank god, rain has finally came, on this quiet, peaceful afternoon. felt specially blessed, cause i get to enjoy a brewed cup of green tea, comfortably sitting in an aircon room, listening to a series of slow english songs, and sitting by the window, looking at the small drizzle. haha, that wasnt too much a blessing, you may think. but when i tell you im typing this and enjoying all the above when im now at work, in the office, haha, it is really a blessing isnt it?
anyways, this week started off well and i suddenly found a 'ren shen mu biao', something to anticipate, something to work towards, great (:
let's hope everything gonna goes on smoothly, and im all ready to start my uni life - in ntu, i've made the decision.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
cousin's wedding
kaley (not sure how to spell it, anyway, she's my niece!)
cousin tongying
cousin yy was the bridesmaid.
the 3 brothers, from left to right, youngest to eldest- jerre, bryan, marcus.
and with kayley.
baby shernice (kaley's baby sister)
been a long day. so tired, but still, im going to chiong the set of korean dvds. GREENROSE!
a great friday which kinda of ended off badly.
work was nice and fine today though the office was left with just me and sharon after the lunch break. knocked off on time and headed to vivo to meet my this primary sch friend. heh, ive nv meet up with for the past 6 to 7 yrs. she's fazirah, i guess i'll just call her 'raaaahhh (i mean rah)' for convenience (:
quite alot of ppl was amazed/shocked when i told them im going to meet this friend of mine tonight (ppl like my mum, sis, colleagues). i thought it would be kinda awkward, but everything turns out really fine and we're like behaving like really close friends :D took loads of photos at the top area of vivo, in f21 changing room and etc. chatted, updated each other with our own stuff, joke around, camwhored,... everything just turned out Perfect. cheerios.
a <3>
was too tired, overslept and missed my bus stop. ended up in a wulu wulu place, somewhere along upp bukit timah area, opp a dairy farm and a church. was dark, and just when i was abt to cross the road to take the bus back home, i saw the last bus rushing off. hell. tried flagging for cab, but not a single one choose to care (they're probably waiting for the midnight charges to start, tsk.) so no choice, i walked up a little, hoping to be able to flag a cab. who knows, the entire stretch was blocked by spiderwebs and though i cant see them, i can feel them and the itch, yucks. what's more, a saw a toad jumping across and i really started running.
thank god, i managed to get a cab which is willing to accept nets. thought the uncle was really nice at first, until... he purposely missed the crucial turn, and headed for a U-turn which was like miles away. chicken, im so pissed.
im just glad enough that im now safely back home, showered and blogging now
as well as chatting with voniie abt punk emo nicks. hmm, willy and liangchen also often uses these kind of nicks. hah, cooool.
anyway, got to wake up early tmr for cousin's wedding ceremony.
time to recharge my cam batt and go to bed.....
Friday, May 23, 2008
well... was surprised, but come to think of it, that isnt anything bad.
i'm happy for them, seriously....
Sunday, May 18, 2008
goodbye yvonne.
been working in orangetee for nearly half a year and ive went thru quite alot changes happening in this company. there were some movement in labour btw our office and the main office. in late feb, ah lei left us and joined the main office, followed by christina in around april. yvonne was shifted here, and that's when i got to know this woman who is merely 1 yr older than me. hmm.. a very interesting person with a v loud character, bold behaviour, and definitely someone who went thru alot more than i do even though she's just 5 months older than me, to be exact. really enjoyed those lunch hours spent with her, but sadly, she left on the 15th of may, to go on with studies.
took photos on her last day.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
chao keng.
went for the nus biz/acct interview today and i flunk-ed it. BADLY. was really a disaster, wouldnt wish to talk anymore abt it. sigh, what's worse, im still not sure whether it's an interview to decide if i can be enrolled into the sch, or an interview for scholarship/double deg.
saw the notice pasted on the staircase, the holding area and the interview room stating "interview for scholarship/double deg courses" but i wasnt informed that it was supp to be so.
anywayssss, if it's really for scholarship, i tell you... my heart is aching badly, cause there goes my FA, the $$$ that i need BADLY.
sigh, so after that, ive got no mood to work, kept brooding over it, thinking how i could have handle the qns in a better way. seriously find myself damn stupid, too foolishly honest.
okay, got to side-track...
was listening to 933 when im on the bus, heading home. heh, the djs were discussing abt petty ppl who are v particular abt every dollar and cent and requested for audience to call in to talk abt this issue, their expriences with these kind of ppl.
muhaha, i really "gan tong shen shou" with those audience, sometimes, you're just so fustrated and angry over it, yet you're feeling so helpless abt it, hinted, forgiven & forgotten, gave another chance already. same thing repeated again and again?! like what cheryl would say... "wth?!"
i guess my friend(s) felt the same too. after listening to the audience who called in, i realised many of them ended up abandoning their petty, "niao" friends/colleagues.
hah, what's worse, mine is an obvious chao keng case?
is it really time to say bye bye...
nah, you know i wouldnt bear to do it. so pls change, kick this really bad habit of yours.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
subway all the way.
saturday's photos. taken after the long chat we had at je mac. FINALLY fufilled cy's wish - go imm :/ and also to satisfy my craving for subway. muhaha, subway again.
im not eating candles, in case you're wondering. hah, it's my ice-cream cone!
my eyes looked damn pak jiao there, shit, im pretty aware that my eyesight is deteriorating. cham, i really dont want to wear specs, look super fat in specs cause my cheeks gona appear very fleshy. =/
anywayss... today has been quite nice, heh heh, cause someone complimented me! muhahaha...
that's really something vvv pleasant to hear, esp from an outsider (and he sounded really sincere!) totally made my day (:
other than that, the day was great cause i had subway for dinner again (told you im addicted) with cy who paid quite alot for the transport fee cause he used up his free concession rides.
so wei daaaaa of him, i know.
but chicken, subway ran out of white chip cookies again. v bad craving for it now.
subway anyone? cy's getting sick of it, so i really have to start finding another partner for sw dinner. volunteers?
last statement for tonight. "Cheryl's sweeeeeeeeeet"
Saturday, May 10, 2008
money dropping down from the sky.
everyone's so busy this week and when im so free for dinners and meetups, nobody seems to be available or just too far away :/ well, ended up having dinner alone at kopitiam, and it is really my first time having dinner alone at kopitiam. im slowly beginning to get used to this solo life. heh, i dont even dare to go out or eat alone in the past. now, im able to shop alone/eat alone/go to the library alone/have a cup of coffee alone! the next thing that i can try is probably watching a movie alone. being alone feels good sometimes and when im alone, i love to go subway. currently a subway addict, thanks to jason and carmen for the recommendation.
haha, this week kind of rushed thru very fast. nothing much happened, but get to understand more of the 'adult' life after some chats with my colleagues. hah, interesting.
meanwhile, i've registered for a couple of tuition applications to be a part-time tutor, i just cant imagine how life's going to be like w/o cash in uni. hopefully some primary sch kids need math tuitions soooooon.
eh.. what else happened this week? oh yah, something pretty amazing happened. i was ABOUT to receive 800,000USD! received an email from 'Fedex' to provide details, etc in order to collect that bank draft. i've copied and pasted the contents...
Dear Customer! We have been waiting for you tocontact us for your ConfirmablePackage that isregistered with us for shipping to yourresidentiallocation.
We had thought that yoursender gave you our contact details.
Itmayinterest you to note that a letter is also addedto yourpackage.
However, we cannot quote itscontent to you via email forprivacy reasons.
Weunderstand that the content of your packageitself is a Bank Draftworth of $800,000.00 USD.
As you know, FedEx do not ship money in CASH orinCHEQUES but Bank Drafts are shippable.Thepackage is registered with us formailing by yourcolleague, and your colleague explained that heis fromthe United States but he is here in Nigeria for a three 3 monthsSurveying Project ashe works with a construction firm in theNigeriaWest Africa region, We are sending youthis email because your packageisbeen registeredon a Special Order. What you have to do now, isto contact our Dilivery Department forimmediatedispatch of your package to yourresidencial address.
Note that as soon asourDelivery Team confirms your informations, itwill take only one working day24 hoursfor yourpackage to arrive it's designated address.
Foryourinformation, the VAT Shipping charges aswell as Insurance fees have beenpaid by yourcolleague before your package was registered.Notethatthe payment that is made on the Insurance,Premium ClearanceCertificates, are to certifythat the Bank Draft is not a Drug AffiliatedFundDAF neither is it funds to sponsor Terrorism inyour country.
This will help you avoid any form ofquery from the Monetary Authority ofyourcountry.However, you will have to pay a sum of £105GBP tothe FedEx DeliveryDepartment being full paymentfor the Security Keeping Fee of the FedExcompanyas stated in our privacy terms condition page.
Also be informedthat your colleague wished to payfor the Security Keeping charges, but wedo notaccept such payment considering the facts thatall items packagesthat is registered with ushaving a time limitation and we cannotacceptpayment having known not when you will bepicking up the package or evenresponding to us.Sowe cannot take the risk to have acceptedsuchpayment incase of any possible demurrage.Kindly note that your colleague did not leave uswith any furtherinformation.We hope that yourespond to us as soon as possible because ifyoufail to respond until the expiry date of thispackage, we may referthe package to the BritishCommission for Welfare as the package do nothavea return address.
Kindly contact the deliverydepartment FedEx Delivery Post with thedetailsgiven below: FedEx Delivery PostContact Person:Jim Carter
Tel: 23480-556-70351
Kindly complete the below form andsend it to the email address givenabove.
This ismandatory to reconfirm your Postal address andtelephonenumbers. FULL NAMES:TELEPHONE:POSTALADDRESS:CITY:STATE:COUNTRY: Kindly complete theabove form and summit it to the delivery manageron:fedex_despatch1@live.com As soon as yourdetails are received, our delivery team will giveyou theneccessary payment procedure so that youcan effect the payment for theSecurity KeepingFees. As soon as they confirm your payment of£105 GBP,they will not hesitate to dispatch yourpackage as well as the attahcedletter toyourresidence. It usually takes 24 hours being anover night deliveryservice. Note that we were notinstructed to email you, but due to thehighpriority ofyour package we had to inform youas your sender did not leave us with hisphonenumber because he stated that he just arrivedNigeria and he hasn't gotany phone yet. We indeedpersonally sealed your Bank Draft and we foundyouremail contact in the attached letter as therecipient of the foremostpackage. Ensure tocontact the delivery department with the emailaddress given aboveand ensure to fill the aboveform as well to enable asuccessfulreconfirmation.
Do not reply this emailbecause this email account is notmonitored.
Sendyourdetails to:fedex_despatch1@live.com
Yours Faithfully, Mrs.Margaret Blaire.FedEx Online Team Management.
Allrights reserved. © 1995-2008 FedEx.
very convincing hor? heng heng i went to look for fedex's website and emailed then to inform them abt it and at the same time to ask whether it's true... and here's their reply...
"Thank you for taking the time to highlight this incident to our attention.
Kindly ignore the e-mail that you received, please do not respond.
This matter has been highlighted to the appropriate management and the necessary corrective action has been taken.
Should you require any further assistance, please kindly contact our toll-freeCustomer Service hotline. Thank you. "
so scary right? till now i still dont know whether it's true or what, but i just followed the instructions, didnt respond.
hmm... how would $$$ just drop down from the sky or fly here from nigeria...
aiyo... trying to pian xiao mei mei like me...
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
the thin line
i always love to have my earpiece plugged in my ears, while i nap on the bus. and tonight, when i was woke awake by a knock on someone's butt, so i happened to pause for a moment and listen clearly to the song that is currenly playing on 933. it's a very nice song, a song by gary cao, called dan shu, in his new album Super Sunshine.
it's such a spoiler to realise blogger doesnt allows me to paste the link here.
anyway, i didnt have a blue monday today, instead, it was quite a pleasant one. at least, time flies at work today, luckily. went to marina for subway and window-shopped.
back home now, showered & came online, haha, so routine. read some blogs and start to ponder quite abit abt friendship. i think i've a weak concept of what friends really mean, and i believe ive taken friendship too lightly. it's amazing, when you find yourself having difficulties differentiating between acquintance & friends, between friends & soulmates, when you're surrounded by many ppl whom you have always been acknowledging them as friends.
it's sad that despite the 6,7 years of intimacy. the ups and downs that we've gone thru tgt, we're still facing the same old problem in communication, and when we cant even be sure if we truly understand each other. in fact, i've nv think so that i really understand cheryl, carmen or willy.
somehow, i dont have the intention to do so either. it's scary to be fully understood, esp when we have contradicting characteristics.
but on the brighter note, the 6, 7 years of friendship gave us a higher lvl of tolerance for each other, the initiative to explain (rather than just walk off, implying that's the end of our friendship), and to realise that it's childish to say... "that's the end of our friendship, cause you dont understand me". haha, at least we still try to improve the situation, we apologise when necessary and admit the fact that we really have quie alot to work on our communication problems.
strangers/friends/soulmates, are just seperated by a thin line (heh, just like the slash eh).
i mean, that's how i see it lah. i can say... i havent found any soulmates yet.
let's wait till we're ready (:
Sunday, May 04, 2008
my birthday.
had very different bday celebrations this year. celebrated with different groups of ppl which has made my 19th bday really memorable. Thanks everyone! (:
1st may
on 1st may (labour day), tgt with gang (full attendance!) and sis, we went to jerry's bbq and grill to have our very filing meal of grilled beef, chicken & pork, plus the free flow of salad. the food was good but maybe just a little bit too ex? haha, wei qu them, since they're the ones paying for my share. THANKS everybody! following that, we went for Forbidden kingdom. i find it quite a lame show. not very funny cause it was a little bit too draggy. many ppl were actually laughing at their english. haha, but me and cy like the white hair part most. ultimate lame.
anyway, was glad that the full gang was able to make it, including the 2 botak army boys. haha, seriously.. it has been v long since the 7 of us meet up tgt. ah, nice reunion. hopefully able to meet up again on tj's bday.
2nd May
1st may was a public holiday, but not 2nd may (friday). got to go back to work, what's more, got to OT to rush out the report. haha... colleagues made my day when they surprised me with a very sweet bday cake accompanied by a bday song. *touched* (Really...)
was actually out of the admin room to do some photocopy job and when i returned, almost everyone's around my desk with the lovely cake followed by the bday song... aww.
continued with work till it reaches around 9pm, when there's only me and manager in the office.
very hungry by then, the 2 of us went for dinner tgt (: aiyo, talking abt it again, im really feeling so grateful to know this group of very friendly colleagues who have been really nice to me (mostly, haha). anyway, back to the point, i enjoyed the dinner and the food was delicious. heartfelt thanks to manager for the meal.
3rd may
went out with willy, watched harold and kumar- a super m18 show, discrimination, sexual content, vulgarities.... haha... but still, it was very funny. much much funnier that Forbidden. esp the "hello kitty" and "cyclops' ass" part.
besides the movie, we went to take some photos and i was quite a spoiler at it.
my personal fav was the time we spent at coffee bean for some chat till 2 plus. nice ambience with my fav blended mocha. it feels good to be able to catch up with your friends in such places at 1, 2am. had a great chat with willy, updated each other with our recent stuff. hopped onto NR8 and reached home at around 3. a very well-spent 19th birthday on the 3rd of may (:
many thanks to willy
i love willy's gift alot! and not to forget the gift from my colleagues as well.
A big thank you to everyone who has made my bday so wonderful & to those who text-ed me all the blessings! THANK YOU!