Saturday, February 23, 2008


this week feels completely different from last week. was in a rather happy happy mood last week probably due to the anticipation of d&d and the actual d&d event.

well, after all the fun last week, everything is back to the normal and the routine. something different from the usual was that one of my colleague is transferred to another office. that was definitely not a good news. it feels wierd, maybe i just cant get used to it. seems like loads of stuff happened this week and i did quite some bit of reflection. learnt to be more tolerant and to feel fortunate. hmm, just like...

when you met someone who behaves in a rather silly way, you should feel fortunate because you're able to behave apropriately. i guess it's normal to be angered by the silly acts of your friends and i finally get a taste of it after listening to carmen's rantings abt her beloved wierdo classmate for 2 yrs. it can really makes you boil sometimes. yet, you feel almost helpless, that's just the way she is. she just dont get what's wrong and just cant tell her straight into her face cause it's too harsh for such an innocent figure. sometimes, her innocence and her complete trust in you just melt you and it just make me feel like a big villian. hate this feeling, im going to get advices from carmen soon. afterall, she went thru this for 2 complete yrs! muhaha.
shit, i really feel like a villian, especially when i laughed sneakily at her wierd acts/funny expressions/awkward smiles/and the list goes on (this is so bad!) who knows, i might not be that pleasant in others' eyes too. pls, dont pass me any retribution. im awared of my bad deeds and im willing to change and accept others for who they are. im just............ a little pissed sometimes.

okay, i promise, i'll try to be a better person to clear my guilt. it's time for peili to train her patience and tolerance.

on a brighter note, im going out with cheryl tomorrow. nono, it should be later on. yes, just me and cheryl since the rest cant make it, we're converting it into a shopping and cam-whoring session instead of a bday celebration. im having the urge to spend money on bangles and some vintage stuff. life's boring, it's time for a change, to make life a little more anticipating and interesting. if only im financially capable of employing reena as image consultant. hahahaha.

what else... im going to set new week resolutions for every week! set the tasks that i wanna complete and hopefully try some new things each week! for now, ive only one task in mind, that is to go to my aunt's gym next week. im feeling fat and im eat exceptionally more this week......

let's look forward to a new weeeeekkkkkk okay.......

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