Tuesday, January 08, 2008

haha, what a bad start. just a few days ago, i was saying im back. then im gone for two three days again. fell sick and all i did was work, go home, watch tv, sleep for the past 2 days.
im finally feeling abit better! not feeling cold anymore, FINALLY. ive been dressed in jacket, trackpants, socks and gloves. im really really feeling very veryyy cold.

at least for now, im just left with quite a bad cough without flam (is it spelled this way?) though. how wierd.

so, im posting the photos taken on saturday! with my mum, cheryl and her mum.

here's me and my mum (:

cheryl's mum and cheryl.

me and cheryl

the photo that i think i looked best in (out of the photos we've taken that day)

and i guess this is cheryl's favourite photo. haha

okay, loads of fun but quite a tiring saturday due to all the detouring and window shopping.

as for today, im pretty happy. nono, should be contented (:
tomorrow'll be a better day!

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