maybe because ive started to question the purpose of blogging. am i enjoying it?
i certainly enjoy the blogging process, the joy of having all the photos up.
but definitely dislike the need to answer for the content and at times face the consequences.
blog is never a private diary.
erm, sounds abit harsh.
it has been a busy week for everyone.
survived thru nafa, and all the tests.
i guess i didnt do well in any. but hahs, too late for regrets or anything.
willy entered the army on thurs.
i think we've really drifted so much that ive forgotten to send him a msg or things like that on the night before.
somehow, i can no longer recognise him. well, ppl do change and i miss the good old days.
hope he's doing fine in the army... sleeping well and eating well...

another sad thing happened, i lost my candy.
hahs, sounds so childish. im referring to my eye candy...
still refusing to accept the fact that he's attached.
whatever the case, HE IS. come on, eye candy is only a eye candy, not a lover.
haiyo, really sound damn nana, like those crazy fans.
yucks, im not and wouldnt want to be like that (:
heh, save me.
csl camp is kinda ridiculous.
was told to join in the activities voluntarily to kinda step down.
felt so cheated now that we've to come out with activities (still fine), prepare the materials (very not fine) and reach school at 8am ( ultra bad ).
we didnt get to know these beforehand, and i wonder who would want to go with these kind of commitment. im not blaming the csl head though, he's committing even more i guess.
and shit, i still have to rush down for tuition, followed by meeting up with cheryl for dinner.
and all these have to be done when im in bikila and canvas shoes.
there goes my saturday...
sleepy but loads of work undone.
ahjipalapahorlisi#@! again !
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