it had been so long since we last had a gathering. great that ive actually make my first trip to vivo city with my cousins and ma. the journey there didnt turn out really good with some minor quarrels here and there, and unsurprisingly, it was some disputes with sis and not cousins.
things turned out pretty well in vivo though we seem to be kinda squashed by the crowd.
it was really crowded. met 2 JJ girls there and waved to them... aww, so polite of me huh.
looked around for wallet but really cant find one yet. sigh..
BUT but... i saw a very nice Espirit big bag... aww, so suitable for me to just conveniently dump my jacket, pencil case, pe attire, water bottle, file and notes into the bag for schooling.
it is blue green in colour. wonderful wonderful. the best is... it only costs $24.90.
but sadly... ma's against the idea of buying it cause ive my dumb mickey bag already.
mentioning more about vivo, i think it will turn out real great when all the renovations are done. especially those restaurants' and exterior renovations. and they really focus quite alot on the sea view arh.. hahas... there's one restaurant coming up which has a very nice and clear view of the sea and the sentosa island. imagine... imagine you having a peaceful dinner there... hahas...
dream on, i think it's going to cost a bomb to dine there...
anyways, back to cousins and family. always feel that my father's generation of relatives arent really bonded and close. its not surprising though, guess all cousins felt the same way too.
guess our generation is closer and more bonded other than with those who are in their 20s and 30s though. hahas... we do stayover at each other houses, chat online.. meet up for cards seesions. and sad to realise that some of them are not really doing fine now.. espesically xuan... it has been a long time since she update me with her stuff anyways.
again, ive taken quite alot of photos :)
shall bring ur attention to the sis trying to work out photo. looks funny. hahas... and also the cousins' photo- someone's lost suddenly. so pls! click to enlarge !! hahas!
apparently.. my mind seems to be in somewhere else, or rather..
someone else =)

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