Friday, March 03, 2006

the present her...
..the one she hates and detests..
she's living in her own world ;
a world of strangers at night ;
she cant control her temper, her actions and her emotions ;
And as she yearn to have someone comfortable by her side;
she tear and fall asleep each night ;
she isnt as weak as you thought ;
neither is she as strong as you saw ;
she lies ;
she deceives ;
she dont know what she's doing ;
she lost her way...
In a Dream ...
..the wishes of an ordinary girl..
she wishes to look elegant ;
the unique beauty that makes her a special someone ;
she doesnt want to tear ;
at least not alone anymore ;
she wanna smile ;
from the bottom of her heart ;
she wishes she can control herself ;
and be like any ordinary girl ;
she hopes and waits ;
to find someone comfortable by her side ;
to appreciate her smiles and hold her tears ;
and if given a choice ;
she would live in this beautiful dream of hers ;
rather than a world of strangers ...
` confessions of an ordinary girl..

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