willy beh was late for 1 hour and 5 mins, super super super late and i waited at the mrt platform, sweated like siao... at least, he has his reasons for being late. if not~~~ qisi.
went for lunch at anchorpoint and then take super bth-ly lame photos. taken a total of near to 120 photos, impossible to upload everything. wahaha, mostly on facebook already!
look at his.... dumb-looking eyes.
haha, this is cool!
he didnt really punch me, in case you wonder.
(cause my expression totally looks real, give me a red star award!)
look at how cruel we are....
squeezing the ... erm, dont know what. into the pathetically small box.
then after that still took it out and happily acting like a animal-lover. (xu wei, LOL)
absolutely enjoyable (:
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