Friday, August 29, 2008
yes, gary, my ex tuition kid... the chubby, funny and kpo boy...
haha, when i was msn-ing in school's library with my classmates today, gary came and chat with me online... and guess what did he say to me???
"Happy Teachers' Day to you!"
goooooooooodness, im really happy until~~~~~~
it has been so long ago. i've stopped teaching him ever since my jc's prelims. near to a year ago?
and he still take me as a teacher? wah~ touched...
anyway, we've always been chatting online, and he tell me stuff like his chinese results, ask me guess his current cca, show off to me that he's in school team, inform me that he has shifted house, ask me how am i doing, where am i studying now. and today, we were discussing abt the taiwan drama-Hot shot. he was telling me that he likes "yuan da ying" and but i like "dong fang xiang" more! haha, so cool~
aww, kinda miss that cute gary... his lame jokes, i can never forget his funny acts, esp the one when he pull his elastic pants sideways, and exclaimed "wo shou le!".
Thursday, August 28, 2008
make me laugh.
after knowing my tutorial mates for near to a month, i realised many of them said i always look tired and i was quiet... haha, quiet? what have happened? everyone who knows me long and well enough would know that peili was and will nv be quiet... haha, but true enough, you will rarely see me in laughter, i'll probably just smile. you wont hear me joke as much, you'll be find me the one doing the listening work rather than initiating or making sarcastic comments...
i've changed?
not really, i wish i can laugh like the way i used to, joke in the mean manner that i used to...
but somehow, things just dont fall that naturally as how they used to...
maybe it's just the beginning, warm up time for me.
maybe life's busy here, you dont even have the time for jokes...
anyway, tell you one shocking thing - i'm going to join fencing :P
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tutorial Mates!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
monster thia
and and! i've this lame friend, elizabeth thia (i like her surname, sounds like some royal family) haha, anyway, she's the one who can lame around with me, i can reveal my lame side already!
this is my makeover for her, using the nbs jacket and some tissue papers. monster thia!
anyways, tomorrow is a long day, and i need to bring my laptop tmr! imagine me carrying the laptop all around from 8.30am to 6.30pm! =.=
got to sleep early! (TRY)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
week three
haha, it feels good to have csl background, got more stuff to talk abt and it's kinda linked to wsc. csl=community service leaders. haha, big advantage. but hor, sadly, for the publications section, i want to get into designers or noticeboard design. they need me to show some of the work that ive done. i dont have them there, neither do i have something strong to showcase. so, they gave me a task-to design a bookmark using whatever software i've (apparently i only have Paint) and email it to them by 12am tomorrow. hahaha, i just reached home and im super super super tired, i guess i'll have to leave it for tomorrow.
loads of things to do tomorrow- Discover finance project, go to NIE bookshop to buy my IT textbook, collect my student ezlink card (YEYY!) from the student svc centre. when i reach home, have to continue to do the bookmark, and my FM tutorial!!!
no time to do any work on thurs -cause im going for Kallang Roar with sharon & the rest from OT!
so before that i have to pia finish my friday's tutorial..........
Saturday, August 16, 2008
sit, listen and rest.
hmm... i totally pei fu my classmate, who manage to finish all his tutorials (with the correct answers), did the worksheets (i dont, the girls dont), working as a part-time, and still in a very firm and stable relationship (4 yrs!!! and my classmate is the guy!) i mean, it's hard.... i used to think it's chic feet. but... it feels so impossible to me now, esp when i dont even have the time/energy to reply messages, the time to talk on phone, the time to meet up with my friends for dinner, the energy to go out on weekends, the time to do extra reading/worksheets.
im envious and amazed at the same time. he told me it's abt time management, i agreed, but....... ive already stopped watching tv, chat on phone, go out after class..... why still no time???
aiyo, i think i really need to do something abt it. the problem lies with me... somewhere, something is wrong. hahahhahaha~
anywaysss, i still stillll stillllll managed to meet up for dinner with cheryl today! for one very simple reason, her hse is just outside ntu, and the jap restaurant is just at the stadium beside her hse! after that, we went home and we played with the webcam function, the msn phonecalls (i know i sua ku) at least, i get to enjoy this night w/o having to rush my tutorials.
feeeeeeelll soooooooo goooooooddddd, you knowwwwww...
random abit, i miss taiwan!
IF.... if i can, i would want to go there to stay & work for a period of time when ive graduated and when im older. that's probably when im really sick of everything here, and i think i'll probably just throw all things aside, and travel to taiwan alone! BUT, rest assured, im still love my country, and i'll definitely be back (:
put it this way....
taiwan, is a nice place to take a break, it's like a....... shi wai tao yuan to me (:
Thursday, August 14, 2008
my Toshiba m300v
anyway, it's only the very beginning of my uni life and im feeling tense already. i hardly have sufficient sleep, usually sleep at around 2 and wake up at around 0830. tiring. i guess and hope that studying in ntu can really make me slim down. ive to walk around the school from the south spine to the north spine, and then sometimes back to the south again. and, i seldom take breakfast nowadays cause i always dont have enough time to change and get ready for sch in the morning. lunch and dinner are now eaten tgt as a meal cause... i also dont know why.
i need time to do what i really want to do! i want to youtube, to change blogskin, to find a nice wallpaper, to watch my dvds, to go ikea, to rest, to shop and to meet up with ppl.
i've 3 different project grps now for each module. 1 big project going on, 2 weekly group assignments to do!
thankfully, ive made some new bridge friends and some nice classmates.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
need a break, take a break.
was supp to have a 'bday celebration' for sis at swensens but seems like it's just my own wishful thinking. she went out and i guess she wont be home so early... hai... anyway, it's too late for me to plan any activities for myself since i woke up only at 1plus.
as requested by mum, i spent my afternoon cleaning the hse, vacuum-ed and mopped the floor. did some simple wiping here and there, arranged my room and here im, online! finally get to use sis's laptop! sooooooonnn, i'll get mine. by next week hopefully...
feel like i've wasted my day, i shldnt be at home, i dont like to watch ndp on the tv and with no other nice show to watch, im going to dead bored tonight. shld have find some companion to go imm, i need to go daiso to get some baskets, or go ikea to look at the study desks. i want to get one! and wierd cy, he said this issue of the ikea's catalogue is a disapointment. no leh, i like it leh! esp the new desks, sofa, boxes and kitchen designs. alright what...
im going to spend loads of $$$ next week, need to get a set of textbook & calculator ($100!!) and another 2 or 3 textbooks ($59 each!!) and not to forget my laptop ($1700 if i get the cheapest one!) ha, i think im going to spend 2k next week, bless me haha...
to think i still wish to get my Creative mp4 which costs around $129 and my swatch or fossil watch which costs between $99 to $129. i dont think ive any more $ to spare...
hah, so i think im not going to get sis any bday gift this yr since im already so broke and since she didnt get me one on my bday this yr :X maybe, i'll just co-broke with my mum and treat her a swensens dinner...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
school starts.......
i could have reached on time, if not for the bus... bus 179 broke down just one stop (JUST ONE STOP) before it enters ntu. shit, at least if it manage to hang on till we get into ntu, we can still try to hop on the shuttle bus and get to LT1a. so, well... was a little bit late.
as for the lecture, it was a 4 hrs long. there're actually 2 lectures but both in the same lt, one after another. and im pretty satisfied with myself. i only dozed off awhile (: with the help of sweets of course.
im actually feeling quite stress now, even though sch has only started 2 days and lessons have just started today. there're alot of kiasu-s around and definitely alot of closet muggers. thank god, no one in my tutorial class are eyeing on tourism and hospitality. yah, continue... the ppl there knows alot of stuff - the au(s) thing, the electives, the textbooks, the shortcuts, etc way before sch starts. omg, ive a classmate who has already bought her calculator and textbook.
i just cant help feeling stress...
and, just after one lect, we're required to form grps of 4 and start on a project. i dont want to choose the wrong project partners, i want/need ppl whom i can work with. and the one who wanted to partner me is someone i dont really feel right with. worse, i havent get a laptop and many of my tut mates have not too. it fair is next week, plus an addition of roughly 2 weeks before collection, we can only get the laptop in around 3 wks later, when project is due on 24th. zzzzz.
continues... we're strongly encouraged to join cca to get points to bid for internship nxt yr and i think we also have to get electives which we really have to try to win the vacant slots and make sure that fit into our timetable. ive just took up one more tuition and hopefully everything's going to fit in nicely beautifully into my timetable. pray hard hard.
so... i've got 3 textbooks to buy, which cost around $59 each. and if my TI-83 is not approved, i would have to get a new calculator at $65. i shall see how after the first tutorial.
balancing off with some good and optimistic stuff.
- im no longer taking any allowance from my parents (it really feels good. maybe just for now, haha) and i hope i can continue this way.
- im really learning how to cope and manage my time. making full use of time now - sch, cca, tuition, projects.
- im not going to feel bored anymore, i guess.
haha, let me take a break to relax abit first and start planning my time............
Friday, August 01, 2008
im an undergrad!

after that, we went jp to catch The mummy. a super boring show (my view) and i doze off quite a few times. after the movie, we took a full team photo again. it's very surprising to find out that the guys are very enthu in taking photos. 3 of the guys brought their camera and requested for this photoshoot, none of the girls brought their cameras :/

oh yah, i saw jason's jessica today and i 'xiang ren' with her! haha, surprisingly, she's not the quiet quiet shy shy type. quite friendly and chatty, and best, our timetable are quite similar. so hopefully, we can become friends one day......... and, i realised lisi is in nbs too, taking accountancy. shocksss. another familar face...