Sunday, April 27, 2008
album making session
met up with carmen and cheryl in the noon to do our hk photo album. managed to get the photos as well as some art materials ready by today. was supposed to start work at KAP but was too lazy to travel and to spend the extra $$ on transportation, ha, everyone's getting thrifty eh. haha... settled down at bbss's mac in the end, the place filled of memories. was there from 2pm to 9pm (wow). haha, sadly, i only managed to cover 4 pages. including the cover page. carmen covered quite alot. each of us (just me and carmen) has our own sets of photos, and we came up with very different albums. hers was a very environmentally-friendly album, done using mostly recycled materials. mine was done using the very big pink album i've got for my 16th bday.
photos will be uploaded soon, when im not so lazy. haha.
have to go to ntu alone tmr, to figure out more abt the course and give it a second thought.
we shall see how after tmr and after i receive nus's letter.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
i was EXCITED, very very very EXCITEDDD when i was tearing open the envelope (with ntu's logo) ! haha, now... im happy but heh, confused again.
eh.. business majoring in Banking & Finance? or Tourism & Hospitality???
i wish to go for tourism, but im neither qualified for financial aid nor the scholarships. aiyo, if im going for tourism, im think i'll need to travel overseas quite a few times for attachment, exchange problems and stuff like this... where to get the $$$?? headache.
shall attend the briefing session on this sunday and see how...
still feeling happy though... at least, im guranteed a place in uni. haha, i know this is bad.
but i really cant help feeling SHIOK (no other word can describe this feeling any better) when i thought of how one of my arrogant cousin was trying to mock at me, saying stuff like "huh, NBS very hard to go in one leh. aiya... why not you go for overseas universities." was qi si at that moment but kept silent cause i havent receive my As and i've no confidence in my results.
heng, there're very supportive friends around who geniunely feel happy for me. really touched when i received those messages and calls. i can really feel that they're truly happy for me esp when the 2 of them actually called me almost immediately after i sent out the message. ahh... felt so loved by these 2 girls (:
and like what cy said... it's really a nice early bday present for me (:
adding on, it feels great to see the family feeling happy for you. aiyo, today is such a lovely day.
can i be a little bit more greedy?
pls accept my SIA/STB scholarship application, so that i can go for toursim without $$$ worries.
hahahaha... okay, i know it's abit overboard.
so for now... i shall zou yi bu can yi bu... till i find a way to get the $$$...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
im missing my nails now. aiyo, where to get nails decorated so nicely at below sg$20?
due to all the filing, and bla bla at work, paint has torn out and the stickers have peeled off already. time to get them polish again. hah, nail-polishing can be an addiction (:
Thursday, April 17, 2008
bad day.
firstly, forgot to bring my mobile phone out. then, missed a bus, didnt run to the next bus stop to chase after it cause the next bus usually comes within 5 mins. sadly, i waited for 15 mins for it.
hai... the day just didnt go smoothly.
bad day, bad day.
tomorrow will be a better day.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
ive actually been trying to blog the photos but blogger always make me feel very discouraged to do so. time and again, i face uploading problems, connection problems(maybe that's my internet problem) and the loading speed is way too slow. haha, but still... i did it today! while listening to class 95, msn-ing, and friendstering at the same time. if i were to just upload the photos and not do anything else at the same time, i would have probably fallen asleep. haha.
well.. im thinking whether i should get the hardcopies of the hk photos and get them nicely compiled in a beautiful album. that would have to make me spend and splurge again on the decorating materials. the photos, etc. and again, im abit lazy to start. shall think again...
if the 3 of them are doing it, i'll definitely be doing so (;
Day 2

and for dinner, we had a very great feast. good and ex food from a shanghai restaurant?
the food was really different, was china-ish rather than hk-ish.
loads of thanks to carmen's relatives, was their treat
the food was really good, one of our best meals :D

didnt really take alot of photos on that day, and last photo of the day was the beautiful street of hk. a very nice photo, though it was kinda blurred (:

Day 3
took a quick shot at the mrt station, im still yawning.

so here's a photo we took at the entrance area. we're going for the tram, which was practically moving 45 degrees upwards. the steepest ride ever.

finally on shan ding, hill top! was a pity that the weather was too foggy and we cant see all the scenaries. was supposed to be quite a beautiful view from the top :/
just look at the fog around us... i think we really look like fairies, visiting the mortal world. hah...

dont think im mad, cause it's not the same as the one in sg!!
we dont have this burger here... it tastes nice! & big enough to satisfy my hunger.
how sad...

on our way down from the hilltop, i saw this very amusing Drain? haha, it's labelled with my initials! and cheryl called it my tombstone :X
haha, im so small-sized???

after lunch, we went to causeway bay to meet carmen's cousin & to do more shopping.
didnt manage to get much stuff there, they're too expensive. haha, decided to stop shopping for the day and went for a movie!

apparently, there wasnt alot for us to choose from, we dont have time to wait, so watched Fool's Gold. interesting movie, but i fell asleep for a while. was just too tired (:

requested to end the day early cause i really cant take it anymore, wanted to vomit every now and then.
here's a photo of me when we're back in the room, when im still looking fine, still able to smile.

haha, the next moment, i was dying.

eventually, i really went to vomit! haha, but not into the plastic bag. this was just a pose for cy.
the camera just keep snapping at me when im feeling unwell. so i think it would be nicer of me to just pose for them. haha...

alright, im too tired to continue. still got to work tomorrow.
time for bed! im missing life in hk again!! esp those nights when we played bridge till 2, 3am.
aiyo... time to meet up for more of such sessions, online bridging just isnt as fun.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
side tracking... im now very enthusiastic abt university, very much wish to get back to books & school life. i know you're going to find me sick, but seriously, this holiday is getting far too long and ive got nothing much to do/lazy to try to do anything new. talk about doing albums for the hk trip, i seriously doubt my ability, considering that im even lazy to blog & post the photos. and what.. baking?! i missed one session at carmen's place, and the other time, i only managed to go and taste their results. what else... reading a book? i didnt even managed to finish more than 20 pages and it's already due. hah, i sound so useless, i know. im going to start on something new (im saying this AGAIN) and meanwhile, let's just pray hard hard that ntu/nus is going to accept me (for the desired course, of course) and also... pray hard hard that that chao ah pek in the office gonna stop appearing cause he's freaking irritating & yet i cant vent it out on him! get it straight, you irritating/noisy/disgusting/smelly/short/black ah pek, you're trying far too hard to get attention, why dont you just spend ur time on getting more deals rather than roaming around in the office?!
okay, feeling much better after all the rantings. im getting really vulgar these days & i know it's bad, very bad. restricted myself to type out all the vulgarities and im trying real hard. there's just this uncontrollable anger in me and ive no idea where to release! shit, and for all the another issue, ive yet managed to get over it, still very bothered by it & still dont understand why ppl want to do stuff like that. $$$$$$.
after friendster-ing for a couple of mins, i really start to feel fat. feeling lost? because friendster-ing suddenly made me feel that slim ppl looks very much nicer. (haha, i just feel a little bit too ba-ba, just abit slimmer will do pls) got to exercise, but how? when i can only get back home earliest by 7pm & sis isnt around at this hour? not that it's not possible... but it's hard. "It's so hard... - by maritas" (inside joke). anyway, too much friendstering is bad cause it makes you compare yourself with others, and just ended up feeling bad abt yourself, got your self-esteem lowered, and worse stuff. got to feel good of yourself, no point comparing, etc (i know you would say...), but again... IT'S SO HARDDDD... (with marita's accent) hahaha.
things that made my day are... cy's nick with the "xixi bao bao, perking and other funny cantonese we've learnt in hk). it's wednesday today, 2 more days to weekends. this is how dreadful im feeling :X
okay, this is a really long entry and im ending with a super boring sentence...
it's time for me to go to bed AGAIN, goodnight.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Day 1 at hongkong
im back from hk, arrived sg at around 3pm last night and reached home at around 4.30pm. the trip was great, no, was extremely great and enjoyable. shopping and eating everyday, spending money like nobody's biz. and what's best is... money nv seems to be able to be finished. things are cheap there! very much cheaper than in sg! really love our spending power there...
besides all the eating and shopping, we've also taken loads of photos, but we could have taken more! kinda regretted not taking enough photos. anyway, photos are still alot such that i cant possibly upload everything in a day. so... i've decided to blog about the entire hk trip on a daily basis. heh... so here i am, starting from DAY 1 (:
okay, day 1. we arrived the airport at 12.30 (but cy was late, arrived at 1pm) and went around to look for the correct gate and do the necessary check-in.

beautiful view from cheryl's seat, taken at around 4 plus.
we managed to capture the sunset view! very beautiful indeed (:
okay, at around 7 plus, we finally landed on hongkong! feeling very excited at that moment, and now.. im missing hk very badly ):

carmen and her cousin were there to fetch us. headed to buy the bus card, which was called the Octupus card there, and took a bus to our motel (:

our motel... nan fang bin guan (:

went back to our room after that and that's roughly how our first day was like. short, but we're getting really excited back then. the room was very clean (unlike what we expected- dusty, cockroaches, dirty toliet) but it was shockingly small. hah, totally insufficient space to move around. but still, considering its low price, we are really VERY satisfied already (:
alright, shall leave the day 2 stuff for the next entry. guess it's better this way, at least im able to give a more detailed description. ahh.... im really missing hk, esp the weather. im sure the rest of them are missing it too.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
off to hk!
hmm.. have been taking my own sweet time to pack my stuff and just finished packing my luggage not long ago. hoho, it's actually quite empty! haha, at least we're able to store more stuff back. just wish that we're bringing enough money for the trip and praaayyy that everything turns out fun and smooth! (enough $$, nice motel, no tummyaches, no diahorrea, nice and cheap stuff available)
.... after 2 consecutive stayover sessions ( we stayover-ed at cheryl's place last night), im feeling really tired now. it's time for bed and get mentally ready for the trip...
we'll be back a week later (:

bon voyage to us and miss me (;
on a side note, Thank you (sharon) so much for the korean gifts! :D