ordinary morning, nice noon and awesome night.
heh, thats a sweet and simple description of my 18th birthday.
was pretty sad in the morning cause i thought my friends wouldnt be free to accompany in after school. besides, there's supposed to have gp extra lesson. was having a foul mood but i guess i hid it well.
seems like the god has planned it well, gp was cancelled last min and friends are willing to pon their lessons to catch a movie with me.
sadly, because of chem tutorial and the tutor, ive missed near 45 mins of the show. was kinda pissed with the teacher cause she failed to understand alot of things, i guess ive shown a little attitude in my behaviour.
nevertheless, she didnt manage to spoil my good day! i still feel as LOVEddd! "D
ive classmates that rock,
an ex-clique friend who still cares to prepare such a sweet gift despite the fact that we've seperated,
2 primary school friends who still remember me and my bday,
a bunch of secondary school friends who never forget my bday,
an ex colleague who wished me happy bday online,
a brother who calls me at 12am sharp,
a soulmate who smsed me,
a sister who bought my fav durian crep for me,
a mum who bought my fav wheat prawns,
a bbss melvin who wished me a belated bday this morning,
an og mate who left me a bday comment,
a gang friend who sends a super cute msg,
a simple greeting from cy,
a cake plus movie treat from the best friends,
and a cheerful and joyous day with reena and qx who sweeten my day with candies and cookie.
and not to forget the 4 wonderful cards ive received.
they really made my day (:
so much for the mushy stuff, it's time for me to shout out that the movie, 200 POUNDS BEAUTY is superbbbb!!!! it's definitely a MUST-WATCH movie, with the gorgeous lady who has a fanastic voice that can meltttt you... moreover the songs are soooooooo niceee!

okay, last of all... i really love everything that ive received for my bday! thanks everyone! (: