okay, this is what we were trying to do...
we are supposed to kiss the person in the centre while she looks straight into the cam takes the photo.
yep, my idea... and so we start off with cheryl tan.
and there she goes, receive 2 sweet kisses from me and carmen.

real blessed to be kissed by my 2 sweetest friends.
well, you can see for yourself what they've done.
i didnt know it!!! till i looked at my phone!!
super bad right? they were LAUGHING all the way la...

they're real lucky that i still love them alot. haha... not in a lesbian way, definitely.
haha... we've our own targets i guess.
great, school life is not that bland afterall with their companion.
at least, they're what friends are really for.
cant believe it, we're really closer than what you can think of.
we never quarrel, yes, never ever since we 3 got together. (:
and of cos, we've our whole great gang of 7.
cy, or personal or yi ge ren, whatever wierd names you've la, haha...
you seems to be always here for the 3 of us arh...
HAHA! that's very good leh, really.
especially with all my attitude and cheryl Fierce-ness, and carmen wierdness.
sometimes, i really think so that we've taken you for granted.
see you soon ((: after promos
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