As Usual...
i'll be back to blog soon though i wish i could do it today... (: my mum has been nagging non-stop and im getting real sleepy... got loads of stuff to blog on... but no time... hahas, excuse? hahas... didnt touch on any of my schoolwork ever since i reached home today... gosh, hopefully im still at the same pace at my classmates... (:
hmm, willy's blog LAYOUT and tagboard is i designed wan! but... the idea and pictures and words are his work... (: nice LAYOUT and TAgBoard right? LOL... hahas...
okay... i think i really dont have enough sleep and rest... i also got to do my maths tutorials by thurs! got to rush schwork tml... so i think i wouldnt be blogging these few days... =)
ops, i once mentioned that i wouldnt blog on daily stuff and here im doing such stuff... =) quite fun also... LOL...
anyway, some replies and stuff ... to:
*Chiengyang-Someone-Personal... i hate JC chinese too !
*Carmor... i shall call you MOR from today onwards...
*QiaoXuan... dont so stress leh...
*Willy... your blogskin really very nice!
*PeiQi... All the best for your Papers! tell yourself you can do it, and you can do it... (: you studied harder than i do... =)
*Jason... Go study on wednesday? (:
*Cheryl and gang... we love MCDULL... hahahas...
erm, im in a rush... so sorry for the whatever mistakes in my entry... (:
oh yah! and also... i dont think this little change in my blogskin is really nice... just change it cause im sick of looking at my own photo... not that nice also... LOL... soso, i'll be changing new skin soon... (: but but, i love the photo for the skin! NICEE! (: