(Beware: image-heavy)
set off from sg early morning and we're on the SQ flight! super excited, the SQ ones are definitely much comfortable than the budget airlines. good food, spacious seats, nice movies, comfortable cushions. aww~
landed on taiwan taoyuan airport at around 1 plus and met the tour guide there. soon later, the tour bus took us to our very first visit- Shangri-la Farmstay. the journey took hours and it's located on mountainous area. the air was good up there and with beautiful scenaries.
a pig (the first time i ever saw a pig, despite being addressed as one for thousand yrs :/
ahh.. the nice view from the top...
a photo of the Shangri-la when the sky has turned dark...
we went ahead with the night activities planned by the farm's management team.
'fang tian deng", making riceballs, and spinning tops. well, the wish that i wrote on the lantern has yet come true.
day 2, second place of visit - jiufen (one of my fav!)
it seems to be located on another moutain again, all i remember is the bus brought us up the steep roads, untill we almost somewhere near the top.
tried some interesting food over there.
ohhh! this auntie is super cute! looks like ruhua! she's actually selling sauages and balls that taste really nice! hip hip auntie eh... took me quite a bit of courage to request for a photoshoot.
heh, the caps we bought at jiufen which cost merely sg$7 each (;
the place we stayed over at for the 2nd night - Flying Cow Ranch.
it's a cow/goat farm with comfortable 5 stars standard rooms.
cam-whored abit when we're back in the room with our new caps and our hk hoodies :D
day 3 - life science museum (my own translated version)
the buildings nearby...
journey continues.. and we came across this 'bing lang xi shi" along the way to our next stayover.
heard abt them on tv, finally get to see them. really very sexily attired wor...
andandand... more nature sight. some garden.... with loads of flowers (fei hua).
little asher, infront of the giantic robot made of millions of flowers.
raining when we're on the bus, heading to the third stayover location. a very beautiful place but the rain spoils the ambience and our mood.
this is taken when we're still on our way there, look at the fog... we're really heading somewhere really high. it's cold up there...
the place we had our dinner. a very nicely decorated place.
& Dangdang....!
this is the place we are going to sleep for that night! these small small flowerpot-look-alike huts.
see how small and queezy the room is... just nice to fit the 3 of us! (but in the end, the room belongs to just me and sis, not so queezy)
my room number!
"qing jing rui shi hua yuan"
day 4- went to see peacocks (nothing much), trishaw-riding (FUN!)
Bought these 2 pairs of shades at merely $4.50 each! freaking cheap!
a five-star hotel! Plaza International Hotel, if i didnt remember wrongly, haha.
it's super spacious! a double bed for each of us! luxurious!
the view from our roooommm... finally buildings, and not flowers... hahaha.
went to Feng Jia night market at night, enjoyed, totally enjoyed esp the shopping, the very cheap manicure ($4.50 for colour plus prints, damn cheap!)
tried their oyster egg, something i thought was supposedly famous in tw... but it taste wierd, esp after pouring in the sweet and sour sauce. the one in sg taste 1000 times better!
mango ice... not bad... quite nice.
breakfast at the hotel... superb, loads of food... buffet style...
this is just one of the many sections...
interestin... tw lifts dont have the 4th, the 14th and the 13th floor. hahaha, inauspicious (how to spell?!)
day 5- Liu Fu Chun Theme Park, and... spa....
breakfast was good there too... loads of food in buffet style as well...
Day 6- Ye Liu for the natural rock sculptures, followed by lunch at a very unique restaurant and shilin night market :D
the queen's scuplture that was formed naturally due to corrosion, weathering, etc.
cam-whoring in our shades when we're on the bus...
.... the very unique restaurant. designed by a female architect (how to spell again?!)
there are more photos of the interior, but im too lazy to upload them.
the shilin night market! the store where they filmed the tw drama - zuan jiao yu dao ai.
the night was then spent at Comos hotel located in taipei. stayed there for the last 2 days.
it's located just beside the Taipei mrt station. They dont called it MRT actually, cant rem what is it called. :X
day 7: went to the big bookstore- Chen Pin Shu Ju, followed by Wu Fen Pu (FAVEOURITE!) then to Dan Shui.
somewhere near wufenpu....
didnt continue taking photos there cause we were busy shopping. haha, wufenpu is actually like the fashion wholesale centre there. shiok~
back to the hotel, took photo with asher when his mummy was bathing.
He loves taking photos and gets happy seeing himself in the camera after photo is taken.
looks so cute in the Big big shades.
Day 8- the last day, went back to wufenpu for more shopping after deciding to give Ximending a miss. rushed back to the hotel to get ready to go to the airport...
officially left taiwan at around 7.30pm and landed back on sg at around 10 plus.
took a last photo with jr (cousin) before we are seperated and headed home.
i'm missing taiwan... BADLY.
p/s: ignore any grammar, spelling mistakes. didnt check and lazy to edit (: